It's giveaway week! I have enjoyed SMS Giveaway days for several years and am happy to share a special prize with you. This year, I was a contributor to the newest Little One Yard Wonders book. Storey Publishing is offering a copy of the Little One Yard Wonders book to a US reader!
I contributed the Easy Dolman Top or Tunic. This is an easy top for sizes 4-12 using only 1 yard of fabric. It was based on a tutorial I had previously published here to draft your own easy dolman top. Feedback has been great for the pattern and book.
Check out the LOYW book for 101 sewing patterns for babies and kids. Even if you don't have young kids, the book has great patterns for gifts and showers.
To enter this giveaway, please use the Rafflecopter widget and leave a comment with your email address below. If you have time, I always appreciate links to favorite tutorials. US residents, only, please. Winner will be randomly chosen 12/12/14 at 5 pm PST. Find all the Giveaway Day posts at Sew, Mama, Sew. Thanks to Storey Publishing for providing a copy for my readers!
I love Gen X quilters quilt block library! Very helpful to have one site to go to for free patterns for blocks for swaps and bees!
My fave tutorial is how to insert a zipper on the back of a pillow- changed my life! http://www.sewmamasew.com/2011/02/add-a-zipper-to-your-pillow/
I've been watching a lot of Leah Day's free motion quilt tutorials on YouTube
I am going to check out some of the tutorials mentioned here in the comments!
Great giveaway. Thank you.
frani (at) grammyshands (dot) us
I love these kind of books for ideas. My favorite tut is this drawstring bag.http://incolororder.blogspot.com/2011/10/lined-drawstring-bag-tutorial.html
Just a heads up, you put your giveaway in the "willing to ship internationnally" section...
Maybe you should change it ;)
And I've always wanted to see this book so thank you for the chance !!
I have way too many tutorials saved. I can't pick a favorite although I've used Noodlehead's zippered pouch a great deal.
What a fun book - and congrats on being included! Thanks so much!
gaborgstadt at att.net
I would love to win this to make something for my son!
Hard to choose a favorite tutorial! So I will just share the one I happen to have open right now... I made a bunch of these last years as gift bags for Christmas, and will probably do the same this year, only smaller.
I have three little ones, this book would be great!
I adore this book. Would love to win a copy.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I have the original One Yard Wonders, this one would be fun to have also! My favorite tutorial is this one from my blog, it's a free dress/jumper pattern and tutorial: http://isewyousew.blogspot.com/2014/07/retro-reproduction-dress-corduroy.html
I would love this book!
I still love this one!
I love this sock monkey tutorial! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.craftpassion.com%2F2012%2F04%2Fhow-to-sew-sock-monkey.html&ei=MFeHVNyxK4KhyAS3qoKQDQ&usg=AFQjCNHEhz6bR6d51tNFaZciYU5omI-LLQ&bvm=bv.81449611,d.aWw
I use this one all of them time and just tweak it to go with whatever scraps I have, http://www.cloverandviolet.com/2013/01/the-bella-clutch-free-pattern.html
I love all the pouches on Noodlehead. The open wide zipper pouch and the gathered clutch are both very quick sews that make fun gifts.
My most recent favorite is IkatBag's winter hats-- so simple and my kids love them (& wear them!). Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com
I like all of the Purl Bee's lovely but simple projects.
t_ktl at yahoo.com
would love to win this! have two little kids and two nieces to sew for. i love the tutorials on sew mama sew's handmade holidays! hope you have a happy holiday season and thanks for the chance.
I love all of Noodlehead's tutorials! I would absolutely love this book for ideas to make for my daughter! :)
I love the Chemotherapy Cap tutorial Milly's Tie Hat. I have made many for the friends I have had that were stricken with cancer. Thanks!!
Deer and Doe's free tee pattern! http://blog-en.deer-and-doe.fr/42-new-pattern-the-plantain-t-shirt/
I love so many tutorials! So many great projects out there. Right now I'm really digging this one: http://www.lemonsqueezyhome.com/2014/11/faux-fur-hood-tutorial-free-pattern-in.html
I'm using it to make gifts for the kids. :)
I love tutorials for kids clothes, one of my favorite being the party dress by Cottage Mama
I like Crazy Mom Quilts' tutorial on how to make mitered corners. sarah@forrussia.org
I really like noodle head tutorials and the crafty gemini youtube tutorial on how to bind a quilt.
sarah at people_rising@hotmial.com
I found Maureen Cracknell's Quilt as you go tutorial really helpful and love using this technique!
calah.hansen@gmail dot com
I love the holiday sewing tutorial series that sew mama sew puts of every christmas season.
Herre you go -
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love to follow Free Motion by the River by connie
I love this hat from the Purl Bee: http://www.purlbee.com/2013/11/24/corinnes-thread-winter-baby-bonnet/
I love Ellie Inspired's Graduation Dress and tutorial.
Right now I am using and loving the free stocking tutorial at Pattern Revolution! Thanks for the chance! :)
I love the kids chef hat on curlypops.blogspot.com blog
It's free & it's totally cute!
I have a pinterest board full of more tutorials than I'll ever use. cdahlgren at live dot com
I love the kennedy bag on Sew Mama Sew, haven't made it yet because I haven't found the right fabric, but I just keep checking it out :)
I watch lots of tutorials and would have to say my favorites are from Missouri Quilts. thanks for the great giveaway.
Noodleheads wide mouth zipper pouch love it
I have to admit I love Noodlehead patterns and tutorials!
Love the free kids clothes patterns from peek a boo patterns
The Cargo Duffle pattern is the best! http://www.noodle-head.com/2013/10/cargo-duffle-pattern-for-robert-kaufman.html
Thank you for the giveaway.
My favourite free tutorial is the Burda style one for insertion of invisible zip with standard zip foot!
I turn to Red Pepper Quilt's binding tutorial every time I bind a project.
I have been making a LOT of pillowcases for this holiday season, some for family and some for charity. here is the link: http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/millionpillowcases/instructions/RollItUp.pdf
And I am working on my QAYG herringbone quilt. Here's the link: http://maureencracknellhandmade.blogspot.com/2013/09/a-herringbone-quilt-tutorial.html
I don't have a favorite, but I love Gen X Quilters Quilt Block Library.
I love free bag tutorials like Coco Bag from Chris W Designs.
I love making and giving the 'keykka lou' dumpling zipper pouch and the 'in color order' drawstring bag. Those are 2 that I go back to and make again and again. I can also use hand embroidered designs on them or fabric scraps and ribbons. I also love to make and gift the sewmamasew reversible bucket bag. It looks so nice with lots of interfacing.
My favorite free tutorial is how to make continuous bias tape
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
My all time favourite tutorial http://ayumills.blogspot.com/2010/08/tutorial-patchwork-wristlet.html?m=1
My favorite is a tutorial on how to make an infant dress from a onesie. Happy holidays!
I love Mellie Sews PJs for kids. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Love made by rae's newborn pants and newborn dress, they seriously make perfect newborn gifts.
There are several on the Missouri Star Quilt Co you tube site and Fat Quarter shop You tube. I visit those a lot
Favorite tutorials are all on you tube-Free motion quilting by Leah Day and Jenny Doan's numerous tutorials(Missouri Star Quilt Co)
I can spend hours watching these!
My favorite tutorial is for a triple-zippered pouch at a blog called A Quilters Table. It's one of my favorite things to sew.
This skirt is on my list of projects: http://www.projectrunplay.com/2012/07/skirting-issue-melissa-from-polkadot.html
i love all the handmade holidays tutorials at sew mama sew!
merry christmas and thanks for the chance.
fussbudgetry at gmail dot com
Oh no. I can't choose just one. I have a whole pinterest board of tutorials just so that I can keep track of them.
Haha, I agree with the above poster! I have a lot of free ones linked on pinterest! I know I'm always defaulting to continuous bias tape ones!
I quilter so I always tune into Eleanor BUrns Quilt in a Day series for tutorials!
Thanks for the giveaway
I do like tutorials on how to do binding. That is a challenge for me.
my favorite tutorial is my own of course :) http://isewyousew.blogspot.com/2014/07/retro-reproduction-dress-free-pattern.html
I love all the tutorials out there on dough based ornaments
Oh Dear. I started sewing in the late 1950s and so tutorials aren't my thing. I do follow some once in awhile, but once is usually enough.
Congrats on being included in the book.
I have found some great tutorials at Missouri star quilts.
My favourite tutorial is the machine binding tutorial by Rita Hodge @ Red Pepper Quilts. Thanks for the chance!
I loved using this tutorial for my first daughter's layered ruffled crib skirt http://www.positivelysplendid.com/2012/01/ruffled-crib-skirt-tutorial-nursery-bedding-reveal.html
I love this one
I have found a treasure trove of tutorials on Sew4Home's site. Picking a favorite is difficult.
Imagine gnats has a great infinity scarf tutorial. I have used it to make some Christmas gifts.
My favorite free tutorial is for the Circle Skirt by Made. It's so simple and quick, and I love picking different fabrics and colors and creating slightly different looks each time!
My favorite is a wonderful Poinsetta free motion tutorial.
lflemin at msn dot com
I like the free Oliver & S bucket hat pattern!
I love the Organizer Basket tutorial by Ayumi at Pink Penguin:
Hmmm I don't have a great tutorial that I remember. I'm always browsing online, but end up making my own creations. I'll have to come back and look through your comments, Seem like there's lots of great tutorials that I might need! :-)
Thanks for the chance!
My favorite tutorial is for a Pickle Dish quilt: http://comfortstitching.typepad.co.uk/comfortstitching/2010/09/pickledish-quilt-a-long-part-one-cutting-the-templates.html
Thanks for the giveaway!
I just got back to quilting and the amount of instruction now available online is amazing and slightly overwhelming! I am checking out some of the links others have posted, pretty cool! :)
Thanks for a great giveaway! :)
I turn to Craftsy and Pinterest.
One of the easiest and most faves, a shirt.
wenmink at gmail dot com
I'm making so much stuff i can't even remember what it all is!! LOL, it will definitely include cookies, probably some embroidered playsets that fit in a mint tin, and flannel pj pants!
I've been using this tutorial for a self-binding receiving blanket a lot: http://shannonfabrics.com/blog/2013/09/27/cuddle-baby-self-binding-receiving-blanket/
It is quick, easy and versitile
I love redpepperquilts economy block tutorial.
I love to sew for babies and kids! Thank you for the giveaway!
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